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Lena Corwin [house call]

Welcome to a decor8 house call, a new addition to the decor8 website where readers and friends send in shots of their posh pads for our site. Our house calls are random so you never know when they'll pop up! But, when they do, you'll see the words [house call] in brackets next to the post title.

When I saw Lena's pillows and read the article, "25 Shockingly Simple Ways to Makeover Your Home", in the March 2006 issue of Glamour, I was all over it - her space totally spoke to me and I thought it would speak to all of you too. For one, the fab redo that the Glamour SWAT team did for Lena and Josh's Brooklyn vintage modern townhouse was just terrific. Glamour offered tips on where to find special items that won't throw you into the debt doghouse, which we're all interested in! It was the one month that I read Glamour and found something design related that I could relate too. It was nearly a Domino magazine moment!

If the painting above Lena's sofa looks familiar...I loved it so much when I saw the article that I instantly contacted the artist over the weekend, whom I featured earlier today (Elizabeth Schuppe). Then, I kept drooling over Lena's pillows, and so I featured those, too. Lena and I were in contact a few days ago and today, she sent some amazing photos of her apartment and of her amazing art collection, too! I just had to share them with all of you.

Thank you so much Lena and Josh for allowing decor8 into your most amazing space. Your place is fabulous!

Here's your visual candy for the week, design gang! You can also purchase Lena's ties, plates, and pillows on her website, so knock yourself out!

(photos from lena corwin.)