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coffee + cre8tive [apr 5 06]

Reinier Evers at Trendwatching made some valid points in his April briefing on Infolust. He also validates the importance of design blogs (yeah!) listing the most influential blogs out there like Apartment Therapy and Treehugger. I'd like to also plug sites like Yelp and Judy's Book where you can read online reviews from real people that can help you decide whether or not a hotel or restaurant is worth your time. I have been writing for sites like Tripadvisor and Citysearch for years now and know first hand how important experienced reviews are to others. Here's what Reinier has to say about savvy consumers and our insatiable need to find the best of the best on the web:

"While last month's BRAND SPACES was very much real world, this month's trend,
INFOLUST, is rooted firmly in the online world. Experienced consumers lust after detailed information on where to get the best of the best, the cheapest of the cheapest, the first of the first, the healthiest of the healthiest or the coolest of the coolest. Instant information gratification is upon us! So forget about information overload. INFOLUST, the strong desire for relevant information, is insatiable and spreading from the online realm to the bricks and mortar world on its path to ubiquity. Get ready for a click-and-know, point-and-know, text-and-know, hear-and-know, smell-and-know, touch-and-know and snap-and-know world.

For more, including plenty of examples of brands that already capitalise on INFOLUST, check out trendwatching."

(Photo from Trendwatching)