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Rosa Pomar - Handmade Dolls from Portugal

I spotted these Rosa Pomar dolls from Portugal via coochicoos and absolutely had to post about them because I really love them. They look like the dolls my aunt made for me when I was little. I should dig out some photos, which reminds me, do you have any photos of yourself clinging to your favorite doll, either now or as a child? If so, email them to me and I'll post them. I love dolls so much, why not? It's our blog space here, we can do what we want, plus it would be fun. You can send me a link to your website too while you're at it so I can post your dolly photo with a link so people can find you.

Aren't Rosa's dolls so beautiful? You can tell they are crafted in love, each of them so unique, sweet, one-of-a-kind. She even numbers them. Working with natural materials including linen, cashmere, wool, cotton, and silk, she hand embellishes her dolls with gorgeous trim from her own personal collection of vintage finds.

Visit Rosa's website to view her current inventory of dolls. You can purchase them online using your Paypal account.

[updated 4/14 10:17 p.m. - I just found out that you can also order some of Rosa's dolls at Nurseryworks. Click here to view them.]

(photos from Rosa Pomar)