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Japanese Fashion Magazines

I've started something dangerous today with all these Japanese posts. Total downhill spiral. But for me, it's actually quite enjoyable, and I'm hoping for you as well. I don't usually post about fashion because that's a whole other side of me that would take hours of blogging to discuss, and I'd rather leave that up to the fashionistas out there with all the beautiful fashion blogs that already exist. I try so hard to stick to blogging about home design because I know more about it, but it's often fashion that inspires design (actually very often) so I think staying in tune with current fashion trends gives us a good idea of what we may see in home decor.

Since I have stacks of magazines in my home from all over America, Australia, Canada and Europe (bad habit of mine), I didn't need to find out about Japanese fashion magazines. I didn't need to learn about them at all because now, I'm going to obsess about where I can purchase them and once I do, I'll be waiting again for packages to arrive so I can fuel this magazine craving even more. Just when you think you've found every interesting magazine that exists, you remember that there are more countries out there (uh, duh) and even more interesting artists and designers in the world that you've never heard of and... and.. It's just mind numbing to think about all you don't know about it. I'm babbling.

So, with all that being said (I tend to get chatty when I'm excited, and as you've come to know, I'm excited a lot on this blog), here are some Japanese magazines that you're sure to love, that is, if you can find them in your local hood. For those of you in San Francisco, New York and Seattle, there are bookstores there called (kinokuniya), maybe they have them? I visited kinokuniya in S.F. and I recall it was stocked with lots of great magazines. There's also this excellent online resource called Crafting Japanese that lists many store links in the left column, so check that out if you want to try to find Japanese glossies.

For your Japanese fashion fix, visit:

Non-no Wedding
Seventeen (Japanese version of the tweeny mag we carry in the U.S. for the Olsen crowd.)
Lee (Which actually seems to be a home decor magazine. Wait. There's more. They have an online store as well called Lee Marche')
Spur (looks more upscale or couture, like a Vogue)

If you're outside of the U.S. you can find some of the above magazines at Japan Centre based in the UK.

(images from s-woman)