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Bread and Budder

Barbara, it's like budder.

Bread and Budder based in Georgia, that is.

If you love clever containers, you'll adore the ever-so-charming buckets over at Bread and Budder. Founder Stephaine Cartwright and her team of artists transform sturdy galvanized steel buckets into perky containers decorated using their favorite fabrics. Both utilitarian and attractive, they can be used for almost anything. Wouldn't they be a refreshing change when gifting a friend? Hand her a present in a lovely bucket versus the typical gift bag. Have a gal pal that is just getting started in her garden? You could grab a pretty pail, insert your favorite dish towel for cushion, and fill it with handy garden tools, gloves, seed packets, and some fresh blueberry muffins. What a nice way to inspire her!

Bread and Budder buckets are also nice for stringing along to display on your balcony for a burst of color. Want to get creative, read their 102 great uses for buckets.

Tip: Buy a large bucket and fill it with ice and top with corona - perfect for your spring soiree!

(images from bread and budder)