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Fantastic Hardware Resources

Wanted. Good knobs. Would also enjoy a pull or two. Reply soon.

Seeking good hardware? I've gathered together some hardware destinations to help assist you on your next DIY project.

First, check out the local hardware store, Lowes, Home Depot or Expo Design Center. If styles seems too standard, head over to Bauerware. They have tons of hardware featuring aisles of terrific knobs and pulls to choose from at their brick and mortar store located on 3886 17th Street in San Francisco (415-864-3886) and online.

If you don't spot what you need there, try your local Anthropologie or Restoration Hardware. Also, visit Target. I was there earlier this week and noticed a nice array of hardware. If your local Target doesn't carry what you crave, try them online, they have much more to choose from. (Target knobs + pulls)

More great hardware links:

NEW Hardware

Cool Knobs + Pulls
Knob Gallery
Carol Beach Knobs


Don't forget to search the web for local architectural salvage stores in your hood. Whenever I'm in San Diego, I always hit Architectual Salvage on the corner of Grape and India in Little Italy. It's one of my favorite salvage stores in the country. There's also a lot of great ones down south too, especially Pinch of the Past in Savannah.

Architectual Artifacts in Chicago - A midwest leader with their own museum, too!

online and also in Seattle and Portland.

Architectural Salvage in Burlington Vermont (great place, I've been). You can also order online.

Locals: Check out Nor'east Architectural Antiques in Amesbury, MA and Architectural Salvage in Exeter, NH.

(images from carol knobs and architectural salvage)