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coffee + cre8tive {may 12 06}

Last night I decided that this whole cluttered closet thing has to go. I stepped into my walk-in, unable to locate anything quickly, for the last time. I completely gutted it and now, busily transforming it into a well-organized machine. As I looked over everything last night, I realized that I have lots to donate. I can't believe how many pairs of jeans I own. I have shoes popping out all over, clothes still dangling price tags, design boards from clients' past, paint and fabric books, it's just out of control. The only thing that didn't end up in a huge pile on my bed during the closet shake down is my vintage hat collection. I love hats from the 1920s and 30s and have a collection of some of my favorites displayed on the wall of my closet along the top. They were all passed down to me from mom. Anyone else have the organizing bug lately? So far, I have my living room and kitchen organized, yesterday I tackled everything under my bed, organized my bookcases and vacummed beneath everything along with gutting my closet, and today I have to put my closet back together again and work on my bathroom. Such a huge weight has been lifted by undertaking this massive spring cleaning effort. My husband is overjoyed, too. He won't stop kissing me and telling me how beautiful I am. All this for organizing some closets and cabinets. Sheesh. I guess there are many ways to a man's heart.

Let's talk amazing hats for a moment. Isn't this hat simply to die for? Oh, and why stop there, let's examine her whole outfit. Don't you just love her ruffled edge jeans, slightly cropped... And those fabulous shoes with the ankle strap? It's very gothic chic, a little dangerous, a bit victorian, a lot rock star. The frilly part around the back of the jeans, very cute. Seeing this photo reminds me that I need to start sewing again. Although I can't rock this entire outfit, the thought of owning cropped jeans with a little ruffle at the bottom, that's inspiration to start sewing. How hard could it be to cut some jeans and add a trim?

By the way, I need your help. I found this photo on a blog, I remember what the blog looked like (it has a puppet in the banner, I think) and I can see the bloggers photo in my head (lady with brown hair, artist), but I cannot recall the name of it to give her credit for the photo. If any of you know, please email or comment below so I can insert the photo credit in this post. Thank you!