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Forget Shabby, We're Talking Mommy Chic!

If you're prego and quite the fussy one when it comes to how to design your home now that a baby is due to arrive, you may really enjoy my column this week at GKFA. I found eight fresh finds that any mother will love. Fresh for the home with a few fashion finds, too. View the article here.

Below you can link to more Fresh Finds, written by me, Holly Becker. They're all featured on the hip online woman's magazine, GKFA, where I have a bi-weekly column and where I regularly contribute travel + design related articles, like my travel story about Hannover, Germany and my review of the hot new parenting magazine Cookie .

Spring Fever: Warning - This could lead to jealous friends and a lot of eye-rolling. May cause spring fever. Proceed with caution.

Working Girl: Hey there working girl. Tired of spending long hours in the office? No matter what you do from 9 to 5, dreaming of sunny shores, mojitos and cabana boys will not make you the rising star in the workplace. Our fresh finds will brighten dull desks and add a little organization to your day, which will naturally increase productivity, scoring major points with your boss.

Green Design: It's not just the grass that's getting greener these days. In the world of design, going green means developing cutting-edge, cost efficient and environmentally aware products that are more hip than hippie.

Wedding: One hot date led to another and... You're engaged! Time to start planning, obsessing, and alienating relatives?! Guaranteed to make your wedding ooze with style and charm, consider these fresh finds the dollop of whipped cream needed to top off your perfect day.

Moms and Babies: First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes mommy wearing the hottest flair jeans, pushing an ultra-hip stroller, and of course, everyone a-buzz over the new baby. Forget shabby, we're talking mommy chic!

(image from jennifer deLonge)