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Linda Bloomfield, Ruth Cross + Loop in London!

decor8 reader and ceramicist Linda Bloomfield wrote to me today about her lovely hand-thrown porcelain tableware, some available with tea cosies and mug cosies crafted by her talented colleague, Ruth Cross. I have to say, these mug cosies are a lot more chic than those paper holders you get at most American coffee houses! Linda's porcelin tea sets are available from Loop, the ever-fabulous London knitter's heaven that we all know and love, and you can grab your Ruth Cross cosies there, too. Linda told me that her creations will soon be available in Japan, but they're still looking for US locations. If you are a store owner and enjoy Linda's work, please feel free to contact her to inquire about offering them in your own store. To locate shops that sell her beautiful wares, click here, otherwise you can order online at Loop.

If you're in London, you can also visit Linda at Cabbages and Frocks, too. She is quite in demand lately and certainly for good reason, her tableware is so pretty. From dimpled teapots to spouts that almost look like little kissy fish lips, you'll love the personality she brings to porcelin.

Psst: Did you see this hand-made chair cosy from Ruth? Wow. Go Ruth! That is the coolest idea ever.

Here we go loopty-loo! Another note to Londoners, pop on over to Loop located at 41 Cross Street, Islington, where you can even take a class and learn everything from knitting housewares to how to dress a rabbit (so cute!). The rest of us unfortunate souls unable to view the shop in person, we'll have to be satisified with simply utilizing their new online shop instead.

Don't you just love these buttons? And check out the Loop retail space.
Talk about getting the creative juices flowing. I'd love to make a chair cosy, wouldn't you?

(images from loop)