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coffee + cre8tive {june 9 '06}

It's Friday! It's Friday! Time to pump your arms and do the happy dance people. I'm hoping for a nice weekend because frankly, it's been raining here all week and I'm getting pretty sick of it. I feel like America was folded in half and New England is now one with the pacific northwest because we've been having Seattle weather for the past few months now... Rain, rain, rain. A few showers is fine, but I suspect what will happen is that the rain will stop and it will immediately be 95 degrees with extra humidity and I'll simply melt into a little heap of dreams onto the floor. Great, I've moaned enough, how are you guys and dolls today? Any weekend plans? After all this rain and blogger not working right since Tuesday, I plan to get out my frustration this weekend and hopefully get outside and play some tennis. We played last weekend and this time, I didn't walk away with tennis elbow. Husband is starting to get worried, I'm actually beginning to throw him a challenge vs. play tennis like a totally clueless idiot (as before). Ah. The joy of competition. Tell me I can't and you've just encouraged me more than you'll ever know.

I found this crazy mod fabric, new at reprodepot today, modern girl in pink. What do you think? I'm looking at this and thinking grooooovey.

(image from reprodepot)