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Distant: Turkish Boutique in LA

While wrapping up my work for today, I was sorting through emails and noticed several finds from Daily Candy that I'd missed this week. That's when I spotted a write-up about Distant, a lovely store located in LA, and I couldn't pass by posting it -- the store photo looks so enticing! I want to visit - it's not filled to the brim with trendy goods from top designers, rather it's mostly Turkish imports! Refreshing to see products that aren't familiar sometimes. Often, I feel like every store I step into lately is a copy of the last five I shopped. Same labels, same textiles, same... same... same... Distant is different, and sometimes when you need to break away from the norm, import stores do the trick. I think you can successfully blend imports with the big names as well, especially if you stick with a color palette and work from it. Keep your large prints to a minimum and use shelves to organize your international finds instead of scattering them throughout your space. Do you like to shop for imports? If so, what country interests you?

(image from distant)