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Retro Flashback - Love This Room!

I was cleaning up my hard drive tonight and spotted some photos that I saved in a design file. Seeing them, I was reminded of the retro retreat post that I loved so much on Apartment Therapy last Fall (photos are larger on the AT:NY post, so click over there to check them out). This was before I became a blogger, and I posted back then under hollygirl, so it was pretty funny to read my comments on Jon's room. I have no idea who this Jon is (is it Happy Mundane's Jon Lo, I wonder?) but because I loved the room then and was so inspired by his use of color, I had to share it with all those who may have missed the original AT post.

I especially love the oil painting over the sofa, the white shelves (I have these; now I have some ideas on styling) and the vibrant colors - orange, fuchsia, lime, yellow, all colors that pop and pull in lots of energy and positivity.

If you'd like decor8 to feature photos of your space here (a completed project that you are proud of), or if you have 'before' photos with design questions, please submit them to me at decor8blog [at] yahoo [dot] com. I'll post your photos and not only can I offer some design advice, but decor8 readers can also chime in with suggestions, especially since so many of you are super creative and helpful, why not share tips and be more of a collaborative blog, I'm thinking...

Worried about nasty comments? All blogs are hit with negative people who seem to have no life outside of hurting others. Sad, but true. Since I moderate all posts on this blog, don't worry about them slipping through, they won't. When I feature your space, I only allow comments that are helpful and offer constructive criticism. So please don't be scared to submit your entry - no one is going to insult you here. Never. Promise.

I already have several submissions toasting in my inbox, just dying to be featured, so I'll start posting these rooms this week. Everyone is welcome to submit photos and also to comment - but please be specific as to the issues you face in your space so that we're able to help you.

So, what do you think of this retro retreat? I'm amazed at how well Jon pulled it off - with so many saturated colors in one room, he was smart to select a neutral base. Love it!

Happy Mundane Jon, if this is your room, please comment and let us know! It's a-m-a-z-i-n-g!

(images via apartment therapy ny)