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coffee + cre8tive {sept 27 '06}

Happiness is... A big German cookie! This is a mandelhoernchen, an afternoon snack that we enjoyed yesterday while strolling around. I keep telling myself that I'll only eat like this for a few more days, then it's back to salads and grilled chicken and fish again... There is no way I can eat like this for two months straight. We're purposely not renting a car for this reason, so we can walk and eat. :)

A woman who lives directly across from us, she is also on the 4th floor, has a fitness studio in her flat. Each day, I see her stretching, drinking tea, and leading group classes in her gigantic flat. It looks like they are doing pilates. Hmmm. Maybe I should go over there take a class with her. It certainly would help curtail my chances of growing out of my clothes while I'm here. :)

Back to happier thoughts... Like eating mandelhoernchen.

(images from decor8)