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coffee + cre8tive {oct 13 '06}

Look for a few more workspaces today... I know I said I'd stop at 10, but I may post up to 12, they're all so good! I'm trying to showcase a broad range of workspace styles rather than sticking only to those that appeal to my tastes. Between today and Monday, please spread the word and cast your votes by commenting below each post for the entry you prefer. You can also email your votes to me, too.

If you'd like a quick view of each entry, I've uploaded them to their very own flickr album. If you comment on flickr, I'll roll the comment over to the blog so that voting is fair and square. :)

Happy Friday everyone! I'm off to a few fairs this weekend. One is for textiles, handmade items, and things for the home and the other is a foodie fair called Lebensart. I'll have lots of photos and many new things to introduce you to next week.

Remember... Vote, vote, vote! :)

(image from decor8)