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The Fab Floor!

Here's a great little story to remind us of just how small the world really is, thanks to having both print publications and the online world of blogging at our fingertips (seems to work so much better now that we have the two, don't you think? draws us all much closer).

decor8 reader Susie from Rock Scissor Paper wrote to me after reading decor8 Reader Question: Linoleum Resources?, a recent post responding to an inquiry from reader Julia who needed some good Linoleum resources and tips. After spotting the post, Vanessa (another reader) commented that she found her linoleum inspiration in Domino magazine and applied what she saw to her kitchen by combining a little elbow grease with motivation, her kitchen floor was replaced with what you see above.

Susie now enters the mix. "It's a small, small world at decor8. I nearly fell out of my chair this morning when I went to your site and scrolled the page down to see what I missed yesterday and saw her floor! Here are some snaps I took of our kitchen and one picture from Domino. Just to share!"

How cool is that, huh!? Here's Susie's kitchen:
Isn't that a cute story? A great example of a fun, affordable DIY project using a surface that most people accuse as being too boring or dated. Not when you add some creativity to the mix! I'd love to see this floor in mustard, gold, rust, all those yummy autumal tones, wouldn't you? A warm version of what is pictured here would look great in my kitchen. I can see a warmer version against cherry or maple cabinets...

(images from susie and vanessa)