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Oh, Alena!

I love a good mail day. Not email, the mail that comes riding upon an adorable snail (smile). The mailbox kind. Not to show off or anything, okay maybe a little, but look what arrived from Alena Hennessy! Don't worry, you can get one too. Just look at it... It's called winter tree and it arrived in the most beautiful muted sky blue ever. It's ceramic and beautiful, freshly painted (I can smell that new paint smell, try finding something that fresh in a big box store!), and it came with an adorable magnet and some pretty postcards. I'm so happy to have this special item from Alena. It's meant for the wall (not a trivet), so there's a hook in the back. I am so in love with this and had to share it with all of you. In 2007, she'll only be offering these as a commission, so get yours today!

Thank you Alena!

(images from alena hennessy)