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Amy Butler's *New* Lotus Collection

I'm such an Amy Butler fan, she is the one designer that I'm longing to meet one day. I'd love to sit down with her, tour her studio, and just chat about her career and where on earth she finds the ideas behind her textiles, because with each season, her new fabrics are even stronger than the last. This is from the latest collection called Lotus. Aren't these beautiful?

I can't help but think that the fabric used for the apron below would make the most lovely curtains (center image)...

The shot of the quilt below reminds me, I have to show you the quilt I'm working on these days, don't I? Winter put me in the mood to get back into quilting again, so I'll post my latest creation tomorrow.

In the meantime, here's some more eye candy from Ms. Amy...

A few of my favorite designs...

A stunning quilt...

(images from amy butler)