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Creative Sharing

I mentioned yesterday that I'd share my quilt with you... I think sharing bits of our work motivates us to actually do more of it. You can spend so many hours online finding inspiration, but what are you doing with that after you log off? Thinking more about this myself, I recently got back into quilting, inspired by my BFF and quilting extraordinaire, Andrea. I finally finished the edges...

I can't wait to add the cotton batting and apply the back. The fabric on the back is the medium blue print you see with the small floral pattern on it. If you look at the third photo, count 3 in and you'll see it.
Here's a view on the bed... It's not usually there, but it's easier to show you the overall pattern this way. The quilt is twin size, so it will be used as a throw in my bedroom upon completion.

I snapped a photo of it in the sunlight so you can see how it's sewn - just a series of squares really. Not rocket science, but definiately requires patience. If you lack patience, there's no better training than to take up a craft where tons of it is needed. Your passion for the craft will drive you to finish the project.

If you're working on something for the home that makes you smile, and want to share it with decor8 readers, drop me an email with a link to your photos. Thanks!

(images by holly becker for decor8. please click on them to enlarge.)