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Osborne & Little *New* Spring Patterns (what do you think about metallics?)

I promised myself that I'd refrain from wallpaper posts for at least a week. Then this morning, reader Jody sends me a link to her favorite new papers from Osborne & Little. My favorite is the Marvao from the Miradouro collection (left), a very classy leaf pattern in turquoise, metallic silver, and fuchsia. So rich, it's gorgeous.

Then while enjoying breakfast, flipping through the March issue of Living Etc, I see tons of rooms decked out in wallpaper. (Psst: There's a great tip on page 105. If you find a paper pattern that you like, use the same one in a different colorway in a nearby room. Works especially well if the space is an open plan, you can continue the pattern from the living room to the dining room, just in a different color. Nice!)

So of course, between Jody and Living Etc, wallpaper is back on my brain and now, here on the blog. Is it me, or are you seeing metallic wallpaper as a trend?

Americans have come a long way. It wasn't easy to welcome back wallpaper (and in some cases still causes anxiety). Like a prodigal son, it's returned and now, to push even further, the metallics are knocking on the door. Hmm. That's somewhat huge. I tend to shy away from shiny surfaces, but I could convert if used in the proper setting because, let's face it, what looks good in your home would look horrible in mine, and vice versa. So much depends on surroundings, mood, the architecture of the home, etc.

Oh metallics. I remember my mother hiring an interior designer in the late '70's and she installed a shimmering gold metallic geometric print in our living room. Of course, my mother loved it. I mean, our walls dazzled like the set of Solid Gold, total disco tech, the only thing missing was a globe and music playing, think "Funky Town".

But seriously, would you allow metallic wallpaper into your life? Won't you take me to, funky town? What do you think of metallic papers?

(images from osborne & little)