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Frau Zimmer (Shop Owner: Collaborate)

Outside of the US, there's a rising trend in collaborative boutiques, as well as online storefronts for those who rely on internet sales to supplement their income in order to maintain their storefront. In Hannover, Germany there's a terrific example of a collaborative space that I visited called Frau Zimmer.

Located in Linden, a district known for it's creative inhabitants, this store stocks gorgeous home accessories, fashion, and jewelry, arranged beautifully in several small rooms - one room a dedicated sewing area.
I had the chance to meet shop keeper Orike Muth, a textile and accessories designer that I wrote about last year, and she told me all about Frau Zimmer with details on each and every artist featured in the store. It was amazing to hear her tell their stories, but what struck me the most is how she knew their stories to begin with. That made shopping there such a unique, and memorable experience for me.

Left: Handbags by Dorothee Lehnen. Right: Orike Muth and the accessories that she designs with her business partner, Sandra Lindloge.

Frau Zimmer is yet another example of a well-organized, collaborative boutique owned by passionate artists. If you can't go it alone, pull in others that you love and do it together.

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