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Ana Carucci of Bam Bam Ink

I'm forever on an illustration high, especially since blogging makes me so much more aware of what's out there. I can't believe the amount of work I find, or that finds me, in the span of a few days. If you blog or write for a living, you must feel exactly the same way. It's so exhilarating, isn't it? I just received word from Ana Carucci, an Illustrator that I blogged about last September, that her website is officially up and running. I just had to post it so you can click over and enjoy. More drawings to love everyone... Just look!

Carucci is from Buenos Aires, Argentina and like so many of us, ultimately found her career path through the wonderful world of exploring a ton of others. It's often a painful process, but we all take the journey, have a lot of fun along the way, run into tons of frustration, but through it all, we get there eventually.

And like most of us, she's been involved in the arts her whole life in one form or another. From photography to cinema, and then onto costume design, but it was drawing that eventually won her over. Illustration makes her the happiest, and judging from her online portfolio, she has indeed found her true calling.

Thank you so much Ana for the email, and when you open your online store, please let us know so we can go shopping for beautiful Carucci things to frame and enjoy.

(images from ana carucci)