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Target: Victoria Hagan is HOT!

Mark your calendars! April 22nd is the big day for budget shoppers with an eye for good design because that's when designers for Target debut their new collections for Spring/Summer. And, fingers crossed, I'm hoping the O'Brien and Hagan lines are made as well as they look. (You can pre-order lots of items on the Target website, although I will make a trip to the store so I can test drive things for myself).

Judging from a recent magazine spread, I'm thinking Victoria Hagan will grab and hold my attention for the next few months with her strong, yet soft, pastel color palette, geometric prints (love the trellis she's using), and the octagonal mirror she'll soon launch to hungry design-savvy shoppers everywhere. I hope these pillows feel as good as they look, because for $29, I'd snap 'em up for sure.

If you don't know that much about Ms. Hagan, Style at Home out of Canada interviewed her a few years back and it's quite a good read. Here's a glimpse of some of her interior spaces. She's been in the biz for 20+ years, so the lady has quite a portfolio as you can imagine. Classic, chic, stylish, and yet very casual and cozy.

(ad from instyle home, images from target and victoria hagan)