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Vintage Typewriter Cravings + Country Living Galleries

I'm not exactly sure what causes these sudden cravings, like I was big into globes last week (my eBay globe arrived and I love it), and now I'm back into typewriters, a recurring love of mine as I have visions of them in vintage pale pink or turquoise from the 50s, perhaps with that retro Smith-Corona font on the front. Actually, I can trace this typewriter desire. It's this photo that did me in. I saw it over 3 years ago (I think '05 maybe) in Country Living magazine and never forgot it. It was from an article about a New York farmhouse owned by Peter and India Baird that I fell in love with.

The typewriters below are from eBay, I was watching them but silly me, I forgot that watch means I need to frequently check back (and I didn't) so I lost out. I only need one. So I am back to searching for the perfect Smith-Corona. Or any brand really, as long as it is in some delicious pale pink or blue color, works, and has pretty font somewhere on it.

Here are some more shots of that farmhouse. It's gorgeous, isn't it? Imagine having a second home like this... And I adore that little vintage classroom desk in their kitchen. This is how I imagine my life someday when we have children. A place for my little one to color while I cook dinner. I recently found two of them at a local flea market for free - no one wanted them - but I passed them by because I was in a rush to get somewhere. Now I wish I had taken the time to stop.

More homes and tours can be found on the newly updated Country Living website, they have some gorgeous galleries and lots of modern country looks that are very nice to look at. Photos taken by the amazing Michael Luppino (check out his interiors porfolio, the man is unstoppable).

(images from ebay and michael luppino for country living)