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Fruehling Bitte {+ mini vacation for me}

One big thing that attracts me to Hannover is the progress being made here in many areas, from restoration to building, new cafes and restaurants popping up, and the many indie artists coming out of the cracks to show their faces, their talent, to lend a voice to the growing world community of independent artists.

Beautiful things from Fruehling Bitte .

One voice in this community is Fruehling Bitte, a design studio that caters mostly to kids and the young at heart, with lots of pink and blue and the sweetest accessories including hats that I wish I could get away with wearing (you can order from them online). This is one example of the rising talent here and there's more... Which I'll show you when I return to decor8 on November 19th.

Tee and muffins with YippieYeah.

Starting tomorrow, I'll be taking some "me" time off to travel with my family and step away from my computer for about 10 days - I haven't done this is over 2 years so it's time to unplug! But I'll return on the 19th with a full week of sales (remember?) and several atelier tours including a glimpse into the home of YippieYeah, and lots of other goodies - so until then I'm signing off and I'll be seeing you right here on November 19.

Hugs to you all! xo, holly

p.s. In case you missed it, here's the 2008 calendar round up part 1 and part 2. There's a fantastic selection for you, don't miss it.

p.s.s. Oh, and I really want to get the reader home tours back in action again. We did this in 2006 on decor8 but I put it on hold in 2007. The goal is to get started again in the new year, so if you have a home that you'd like to share with readers, please let me know via email at decor8blogATyahooDOTcom