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Etsy: Take Five Tuesdays

For Take Five Tuesday this week, I'd like to introduce you to a few more stores that I've been browsing a lot lately, ones with such pretty things that I think you'll agree that they'd make for very thoughtful gifts. {Although today is Wednesday, I started writing this yesterday so blogger still has it dated for Tuesday.}

UK ceramicist Emma Litten from White Doll Arts creates things for the kitchen that are so pretty, you'll want to take tea five times a day. And her vases with the delicate lines are a delight for displaying branches, flowers, or handmade paper flowers. If you love cupcakes, don't miss her ceramic bun trinket pot, it's a favorite of mine from her shop. I find the pale pastels and organic forms shaped by human hands quite calming and lovely.

If you need some cards that feel a bit Boston, a bit like something you'd find in your grandmother's desk drawer, and with a slice of the deep south perhaps Beau Ideal is the stationery shop for you. I'm draw in by the unique patterns and what I like to call, happy colors that remind me of sunny Florida. Her dogs are darling too, and if you want to join a card club, she has a fun "Paper Guild" that you can sign up for. via: Oh Joy!

A former full-time graphic t-shirt designer, Sasha Loots now works from home doodling beautiful girls and producing prints. I was going to save her for next Tuesday, but after seeing her work on Bloesem's beautiful gift guide recently, I knew I'd better get to her before she's all over the web. What gorgeousness.

First up are the hand painted, handbuilt glazed porcelain from k g + a b, a Brooklyn artist who, by day, works on window displays but by night... She produces these lovely trays with lots of swirls and animal silhouettes.

And finally, I adore Christina's. She creates the sweetest little things, and I'm sorry, but I have a thing for softies - they melt my heart - and these puppies have to be the cutest things ever. They remind me of larger versions of those little dogs you took to school for all the kids to autograph. Remember those?

Did you miss last week's edition of Take Five Tuesdays? No worries, click on the hyperlink below.

(images from the etsy sellers linked in this post)