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Good News! {Boston Globe + Blueprint}

I have to share some good news with you. Yesterday a Globe Correspondent contacted me to schedule a meet up to discuss decor8. So tomorrow I'll be taking her for a spin around Boston to some of my favorite shops and then we'll sit down for the actual interview. The article will appear sometime this month in the Boston Globe, and best part -- it will be primarily about design blogging, one of my favorite topics. The article should go live later this month. I'm so nervous!

Also, if you have the new issue of the Jan/Feb Blueprint magazine (it will be around until March), I'm on page 61 in the box titled, "Photo Finesse", part of Image Control, a piece written by Tom Samiljan. I give Blueprint readers some tips on photo displays, and although my mega list of tips didn't make the cut, I was happy to see that they included Photojojo and a book I've suggested here on decor8 before, Photocraft: Cool Things to Do with the Pictures You Love by Caroline Herter, Laurie Frankel and Laura Lovett. They also were nice enough to put the link to decor8 directly in the paragraph so thank you Blueprint, especially Tom, for contacting me for this piece. I can't believe this is their final issue...

(photo by holly becker for decor8)