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Lisa Cohen {photography}

The internet is such a rabbit hole and down I jumped immediately after viewing the portfolio of Melanie Molesworth. It was there that I discovered two talented photographers, Lisa Cohen and Lina Ikse Bergman. I'd like to share Lisa's work with you because I find the story of how she got started as a photographer very inspirational as the unfolding of it all was quite organic and it's something I can closely relate to in my own life since I've not followed typical paths myself. For her and other creative types out there it so often isn't about finding one particular career in life and sticking to only that, instead it's about exploring several paths and doing what you love today. If that changes in 5 years, well so be it.

Lisa has a creative eye that was trained from spending several years working as an Interior Stylist in London and then she went on to become a Decoration Editor over at British House & Garden. Working alongside so many talented photographers and designers created in her a fascination with the finished work and how one obtains the perfect photo - conveying the right mood, proper lighting, balancing layout and composition, working within an environment to create a moment that is captured perfectly on film.

Lisa decided that photography was her calling, now quite evident as you look at her body of work, and proceeded to develop her skills and eye to the point of launching her own studio. She has now worked all over the world shooting the homes of inspirational people to, "create images of how many of us would love to live," Lisa says. She trained her eye through several different careers and has now established herself as a successful photographer. Isn't that inspiring?

On another topic (though related), I'm sure some of you have stories to share about the merging of paths and how the career you started off in didn't lead to what you decided to pursue long term. It's interesting to sit down sometimes and sketch a diagram, nothing complicated -- more of a flowchart, showing your starting point (birth) and where you are today. I did this just recently as a fun exercise and discovered some interesting bits about myself along with revealing a few patterns that I hadn't noticed before. Often these diagrams help when we're unsure of taking the next step, so give it a try and see what this creative exercise reveals to you. Perhaps there's an inner photographer, teacher, artist, writer, interior designer in you waiting to break forth. Or maybe you'll learn that where you are today is your perfect spot and the exercise will confirm that fact for you, handy to remember during times when you're full of self-doubt.

Please note: Many of the images here and on Lisa's website are available for purchase, please contact her directly for more information. lisa AT

(photography by lisa cohen)