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Yellow Monday

Linda's work appeared on decor8 last year but I thought I'd remind you again of the lovely Linda Kruger who is a video producer by day and an artist by night living in Sydney, Australia. I find her work delightful and would like to share a glimpse into some of her latest creations with you.

I especially enjoy seeing these framed and that Linda takes the time to do so over in her shop called Yellow Monday. I wondered where her business name came from and learned that Yellow Monday is a cicada native to Australia. What I like about Linda's work is that her hand is obvious despite the use of digital color and texture because most of what she does starts off as a drawing or painting and then evolves through layering and reworking digitally. Although I like work that is 100% digital, I always favor what is created by hand a little more, but that's just a personal preference above anything else. Neither is better art to me. I think what grabs me about work by hand is that you can see the progress made whereas most digital work does't leave a trace of its past, mistakes included. That's why I appreciate that Linda begins work on her table, you can still see these lines in the finished piece and that appeals to me. She skillfully merges the best of both worlds and I appreciate the results very much. Nicely done!

(images from yellow monday)