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Arthur's Circus

I first mentioned Arthur's Circus a few months ago here but lately I'm loving them even more because they keep stocking both of their stores with such goodness. I have to pass it on to you because I know lots of you have a thing for rare vintage toys for your collections and a few of you are big on Japanese tableware for kids. I think their Shinzi Katoh stuff (below) is darling. I want to eat dinner like this just once. It's almost like this amazingly stylish family in Australia opened their little ones toy chest to reveal the vintage and rare contents inside. Wait, that's exactly what this is, an extremely cool family with exquisite taste.

This shop will bring out the little kid in you, and since it's organized so well and the photos are just great, it's inspiring just to just browse. Everything is so colorful and fun -- very retro-ish!

Most of the items shown above are available in the Arthur's Circus online shop. (images from arthur's circus)