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Community Table at Martha Stewart Online

Just a little tip in case you haven't stumbled upon this already... I recently jumped in on the crafty action over at Martha Stewart online for creative inspiration and because I was looking for a project once featured in Blueprint magazine. After clicking around for what felt like hours, I found the Blueprint project and I stumbled upon Community Table, a pretty cool feature because it allows you to upload your photo and create a profile, bookmark favorite Martha finds from recipes to crafty home projects, sign up for daily email updates like Craft of the Day (love!), even rate, print, share comments with other community members, and email projects and recipes to friends.

A shiny new project each day of the week.

You can register for Community Table here or if you'd like to see what a profile looks like, mine is available here. You can sign up for a reminder to be sent your way whenever there's a new Craft of the Day, Cookie of the Day, or Organizing Tip of the Day on the site, they usually arrive in the morning M-F. So far, I really like the custom doormat and the magnetic flowers projects. Do you have some favorites that you'd like to share?

(image from martha stewart)