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Hello everyone! Today I had that painting class that I told you about a few weeks ago and it was so inspiring. I can't wait to dig in. I'll be tied up on Tuesdays for the next 8 weeks, but I'll still be here on Tuesdays to blog, just a little later (late afternoon/early evening), just so you know. Thank you for all of the, "Where's Holly?" emails today, they were very sweet!

Good news gang... I just heard back from Amy Butler. I sent her a file to the mood boards and she selected 6 that she absolutely loved and 11 that she feels are also really great. She said, "OK....... this was tough! I went through all the entries and everyone did such a beautiful job." Amy also added, "Please express my total joy to everyone who entered the contest. Truly impressive and fun."

Now that Amy has spoken, it's our turn to find our winner. I'll start posting the finalists in a moment so stay tuned. We should have the winner by Thursday or Friday.
We're getting really close now... Yay!