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Ashley Thomas = Swoon!

Surface pattern designer Ashley Thomas wrote to me last month (I know, I'm a little behind on my email) to tell me about her designs so I vowed to myself that today would be the day that I would share them on decor8. Ashley thank you for your patience with me! :)

Ashley is a freelance designer and illustrator based in England and her work is both feminine and edgy, a combination of hip city and a day in the country wearing a frilly dress. Her work reminds me of a lot of illustrative, graphic styles coming out of Berlin right now. I was quite surprised when I learned that Ashley is in the UK as upon first glance I would have guessed Berlin without question.

I am completely smitten by her wallpaper and pillows... lovely with a capital LOVE! I want Larry and Joey wallpaper in my entryway! :)

(images from ashley thomas)