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Happy Weekend!

If you're happy and you know it clap your hands! {clap clap} Yay, It's Friday! It's Friday! La la la la la! Twirl around and sing with me... Yes I'm nuts but I'm completely happy imagining two full days without an ounce of work to do and lots of fun plans. I will paint some more mini paintings this weekend, hit the flea market in the morning, attend a big dinner party tomorrow night, and on Sunday I'll spend time with a friend watching movies and sharing a meal here in my apartment. I'm so excited for the weekend to start.

Next week on decor8 I will host a contest where you can win an amazing book all about creativity, launching a successful career as a creative, working on the left brain as you continue to develop the right.... wow I could go on forever about this newly released book but I'm not going to say another word until Monday morning, November 24th. Then the contest will be posted and 5 winners will be selected and announced on Thursday so make sure you visit on Monday to see what the contest thing-y is all about. You'll like it, I promise.

What do you plan to do this weekend? Write your list here and return on Monday to report in on your progress if you'd like. I'll do the same. Keeps us accountable I think. See you in a few days!

(image from She Hit Pause Studios... because hey -- some days you just need to lounge around in your panties playing with airplanes on your sofa. Um, yeah.)