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Home Sweet Home

Hello everyone! After 24 sleepless hours, I'm home and jet lag free. Our friends met us at Logan airport with tulips, wine, and a bag of gourmet style foods from Whole Foods, which nearly made me cry. The moment I stepped into my New Hampshire home this dreamy feeling washed over me, like I knew that this was my home but I couldn't quite process that I was no longer in Germany. Can you believe that our next door neighbors brought over a casserole because they missed us so much? Yeah, I mean really. How nice was that?

It's been an odd few days, this is my first time experiencing two homes and I hadn't thought about all the little things that would occur as I settled back in on this side of the pond. I couldn't remember where I kept my scissors, I kept grabbing for a long handle on my cabinets instead of a center knob, I had 7 bins of mail to sort through, and I have a car again. I also find myself making plans that I would go here or there this week then realizing I cannot because those places are now thousands of miles away. I also came back at a pretty bad time, we have had unbelievable snowfall, our car is completely buried (you can only see the tires). It's truly a winter wonderland and so very pretty but also a bit of a pain because exchanging the convenience of the city for country life that is, well... not nearly as easy.

How are you today? It's a holiday week so blogging will be sporadic here on decor8, but I'll be back in a few minutes with some inspiration for you to bring a little cheer. :)

(image from holly becker for decor8)