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My Fine Garden: One Week Sale

My Fine Garden by photographer Shanon Gass has a great sale this week only on all photographs in her Paper N Stitch shop -- buy one, get one (equal or lesser value) for 50% off! If these don't say Spring... nothing does!

I try to write here as often as possible about things I have seen and touched in person and/or about ones that I already own because I'm beginning to sense that this may matter more to more to those finding a bulk of their products online. From a personal perspective I want to know that what my friends are suggesting they have experienced, touched, or maybe even owned at one time (or currently) so that I can count on their product reviews to some extent. I think this is even more important in these economic times in order to avoid purchasing things that may disappoint us. I'm not putting this out there as something other bloggers should do, of course not as I'm just one person who absolutely does not set blog standards, but I am putting it out there as something I'm personally working harder to do going forward -- making decor8 even more intimate and closer to home for me so that I continue to enjoy writing here each day and to make your experience when visiting one that you can continue to trust and enjoy. Of course this may not apply to all products that I feature, particularly art and Etsy finds because it would be impossible, but I will make an effort as I write posts to mention if I myself have had personal experience with what I'm writing about so you'll know. Sound good?

With that being said, I happen to own a few of Shanon's prints and can truly say that each day when I see them on display in my workspace they remind me to keep it simple and to enjoy the beauty in the mundane taking note of all the little details that make life so sweet!

(images from shanon gass)