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Studio d.Sharp

I just love the art of paper crafts, don't you? It all started for me when I first picked up my pair of scissors as a little girl and started making paper dolls with my mother. Though I never grew up to become an accomplished artist or rock star crafter, I do take pride in my crafty creations. I love the experience of learning and doing and in the end, that great feeling of accomplishment once a project is complete. I always admire those who are super detail-oriented because that's one thing I'm not when it comes to paper crafts, I usually do not spend hours laboring on a single project -- I like to create and move on to something different due to my relatively short attention span and overflowing curiosity. I admire those who have the patience to perfect a single design, no matter how much time it takes, it's inspiring because I lack the gene called extreme patience.

Studio d.Sharp

Denise Sharp, owner of Studio d.Sharp, is a visual artist with a fine arts degree in both printmaking and sculpture and seems to possess the gene that I lack. She makes and seems to perfect so many lovely things, collecting ideas and items then pulling them together to form something lovely to sell in her small specialty shop online under the same name. Her Eiffel Tower boxes are magical (Marry Me!) and I especially enjoy the buckle and ribbon technique used to secure and embellish a pretty gift - what a fantastic idea that I want to try making at home myself because I could easily commit to that given that it appears to be a pretty quick project to pull together. Have you ever tried it?

(image: studio d.Sharp)