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Martha, Where Art Thou?

It's funny to live in a country where you cannot find Martha Stewart anywhere. It's like, kind of weird, surreal, strange... no problematic but just odd because she is everywhere in the states. I don't see her publications on newsstands (only one that I know of in the train station carries random issues of Weddings, but they haven't had one since I arrived so perhaps they've discontinued selling it), I don't see her products in stores, nothing. The average housewife/mother/other here, I'm guessing, doesn't even know who she is. Jamie Oliver, Donna Hay, and Nigella Lawson are known and esteemed but try to find a Martha book and you're up a creek without a mint green paddle. It really floors me. I guess I just assumed she was big over here.

Martha Stewart Where Are You?

Why isn't Martha in Germany? Is she in France? The UK? Martha Martha, where art thou Martha? I don't get it, truly. I think Germans would love her. She is everything they admire -- she's a perfectionist, she's organized, and she's an exceptional cook and homemaker. Europe would love her (I'm assuming she's not a household name in the surrounding countries as well after a quick google search), right? And in a country where modern crafting is starting to really take shape, she could dominate the market here. Germany needs you, Martha Stewart. Or do they? It's a lot to think about. And for selfish reasons, I need to see your face a little more because seeing you on the internet just doesn't cut it. It's not the same as holding your products in my hand or watching your show where you invite rappers to dish and comedians to dine. In fact, I don't see a "celeb" culture here when it comes to crafting and decorating... Hmmm.

(images: martha stewart)