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Inspired By: Lobster & Swan

There's a certain calm and curiosity that washes over me whenever I look at the Flickr photo stream of Lobster & Swan. I just love her shop too, maker and photographer Jeska Hearne is such a treasure to have in the independent art & design community. I hope she realizes that, but if not perhaps this post and will your comments of support will remind her. I think it's important to regularly toot the horn of those who positively impact the way we live and see the world. It's important because these are the same ones who have a tendency to feel drained at times, like they're constantly inspiring others but in turn who are inspiring them? And do others care about all they are doing to share intimate parts of their world?

Lobster & Swan

Creative types like Jeska have personally helped me to not be so focused on the pursuit of perfectionism and to take more pride in the little things, which I neglected to do as a young adult and striving to be perfect held me back many years ago. Looking upon that time in my life, I see clearly why this was the case: I was in a crowd of friends that were extremely competitive. The companions we keep as children, but equally important as adults, make a huge impact on how we see our own life and work and how critically (or not) we judge ourselves. Even in the online world, we are associating with so many on a daily basis - it's important for me to be in circles where I do not feel an undercurrent of jealousy or competition but a feeling of support and encouragement. I've had those feelings with some in the past and I had to walk away and pursue other friendships, not because I didn't like or appreciate the person but because I sensed they were trying to compete with me more than aiming to create something personal and important to them. Many artists and designers who have found supportive circles online tend to thrive and magic happens. And this is the kind of magic that I want to naturally occur in my life and the magic I feel when I visit blogs like Lobster & Swan.

Lobster & Swan

I love her paper garlands, photographs, and pretty inspirational things on a string that you can display in your home on a fireplace mantle or over your desk perhaps. In addition to the pretty things that Jeska makes, I love the things that she takes -- in the form of memories captured on film -- which she posts on her blog that continuously inspire me and so many of her fans. I enjoy her relaxed and cozy design sensibility - no frills and naturally beautiful. It's the supermodel without layers of makeup, hanging out in her crumpled t-shirt and worn out jeans with a favorite cardigan and a mug of hot cocoa in hand. Disheveled perfection. :)

Lobster & Swan

Lobster & Swan

Jeska also maintains a second blog, Record The Day, that is equally drool-inducing where she takes clippings from magazines and such and puts them together on small pieces of paper as a collage of inspirations. I do something similar, in the folders that I create, but now I'm thinking I should try creating them weekly in smaller format and posting them online somewhere. Hmmm. Well inspiration should motivate action sometimes, right? What is the point of simply feeling inspired if nothing becomes from at least some of those feelings? Perhaps I'll give it a go.

(photos: Jeska Hearne)