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Happy Weekend!

The day has slipped through my fingers like sand! I woke up at the crack of dawn today to prepare for a trip up north to shop with my friend Anne -- and shop we did! We hit HEMA and had the best time. It's my version of Target over here, only with a bit of a "Am I in Tokyo?" aesthetic -- things are so kawaii in that store -- the product packaging is adorable.

Frazier & Wing

I'll photograph some of my loot and share it on Monday... I'm home now but have had quite a full day -- it's nearly 9 pm, so if you don't mind I'm signing off for the weekend. I had such a nice and refreshing time and the best part, even above the shopping, was the quality time I had with my friend who is a product designer and shop owner. We were able to talk about some of the topics that we're most passionate about and these are always the conversations that I walk away from feeling positive, stimulated and bursting from the seams with creative energy.

I'd like to wish you all a lovely weekend... I am attending an opening party tomorrow at a new store in my neighborhood (this lady has set up shop), then taking the train out to a nearby town to have dinner at a friends house, and on Sunday I plan to work on styling and shooting some parts of my home along with having my photo taken for a magazine in Australia. There is much to do! And what about you? Any plans?

Frazier & Wing

And by the way, you simply must read the comments on this post. Word. You are all something else. Talk about inspiration. xo

(images: the lovely frazier & wing, whom I wrote about today at real simple.)