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Thoughts About New Year's Resolutions

For today's Talk It Out topic I would like to hear your thoughts on a subject that will no doubt be discussed frequently amongst your circle of friends and family during the last week of the year. Magazines and websites are already a-buzz... This topic is meant to encourage and support you -- it's on New Year's Resolutions -- and I thought for a moment we could put them into perspective. So today, let's talk about yours, not the ones that you plan to make, but the ones that you made last December for 2009.

On my desk today...

on my desk

on my desk

Stop for a moment and think back... you don't have to list them all, but it would be really helpful to you and to the rest of us reading if you could highlight the resolutions that you turned into a reality and with what results.

Also feel free to highlight those that you made that did not see the light of day and explain why you think they didn't lift off and whether or not you are glad about that or not. And if not, will you add it into your 2010 list of resolutions? You can also list some of your goals for 2010, but try to focus more on what you accomplished this 2009 calendar year because I believe that putting all this in writing, publicly, helps to give the new year a more realistic approach as you begin exploring what will come in the months ahead. While I'm not one to live in the past, I do believe that it's important to look back with a view to learn from our experiences. I'll join in on the conversation as well... So let's get started in the comments section below, shall we?

By the way, these photos were taken today on my desk, where I am working by candlelight with tea at my side, waiting for the snow to fall...

(image: holly becker for decor8)