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Half Empty, Half Full

As I was out shopping for flower bulbs earlier and I started to think about my post yesterday and how so many of you connected with what I said, and how nice it was for me to hear that and to make the connection. And then I thought that perhaps you could use a little free space to just talk to me, one another, to the universe... just to vent I guess -- to vent your frustrations and then to end your comment with a note like... I hate how isolated I feel working from home BUT I love that I can wear bunny slippers and have my dog lay on my feet all day.

tea cups

I will call this space the "Half Empty, Half Full" corner today. It's where you can literally dump what makes your life, or job, or anything "half empty" but make sure that before you end your post you include your "half full" feelings, too.

Okay, so why don't we get started. Who will go first? I can't wait to see your half + half comments, this could potentially be a lot of fun!

(image: holly becker for decor8)