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Vicente Wolf - Why Blog?

I had one of those "Like, wow!" moments during lunch today when the Vicente Wolf requested my friendship on Facebook. I mean, Vicente Wolf? Hello! This man is a style icon, a design guru, a top designer! Here is a glimpse of his work from his portfolio -- such sophistication and beauty, and so well-edited. His books are classy and he is soon to release a third, Lifting the Curtain on Design, which sounds like a great title -- I'm officially intrigued.

Vicente Wolf

If you'd like to keep up with his work, you may visit his blog where he reveals great design and style tips. I really enjoyed reading his perspective when it comes to blogging in his post, Why Blog, where he reveals why he bothers to keep a public journal and where some of his readers chime in with their viewpoints too. I always find conversations like these interesting because I think we each have our reasons for writing online but in the end it always comes back to a desire to share what one is passionate about and to attract like-minded individuals for discussion and ideas -- and even friendship. It was interesting to read the views of a top designer and author like Vicente though and I think you'll enjoy his post on this topic too.

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P.S. Etsy Take Five Tuesday is taking a day off and will resume next week on Tuesday. I was going to write it today but my friend just called me -- she read my blog and saw that I'm looking for a desk and found the perfect one for me at the vintage shop downtown so I have to run down there to see if it's still available! And then a group of us are going to see Alice in English as the local theater is only showing it in English today -- so I have to run! I hope this doesn't sound irresponsible of me, but living in a foreign country means you must see films in English as they come to your city, it's a big event for me now! :)

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(images: vicente wolf)