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Happy Monday!

I'm excited to begin a new week and hope that you are too! I don't believe that only Fridays are meant to be happy days, but a Monday can be a great one too simply because a new week has promise! We have many opportunities laid out before us so it's our chance to accomplish something new. A clean slate. A fresh start. I once hated Mondays but this positive perspective has helped me to change my Debbie Downer views and so perhaps it will for you too. What do you have planned this week? And how was your weekend?

hello spring!

My weekend was filled with activity mostly outdoors which was both refreshing and fun. I walked for miles through forests, parks, around a big lake... and it felt so good to be outside without a jacket on. I even dined outdoors which was a treat - the weather has been so nice. Everything is green now... flowers are out, birds are singing, I'm really looking forward to the things that springtime brings with my job and also potentially more as I have many goals that I'd like to accomplish within the next few months. For this week, one goal is that we secure a photographer for the book and to work on the visuals for the flat plan which is due asap.

How about you? Did you enjoy your weekend?

Later today I will announce the decor8/Pottery Barn contest winners -- if you have not entered yet please read the rules and enter here before the deadline which is at 5:00 p.m. EST today! So hurry! (I've had over 1,500 entires so far which means that the page may take a few moments to load.) I'd like to thank everyone for their entry, it's great to see so many entries. Oh and for those who commented on my sad news post on Friday, thank you very much. It meant A LOT to me to hear from you, I read your heartfelt expressions and it really made me feel loved and supported which was exactly what I needed and what made my weekend so nice as a result. Thank you for what you give to me - your friendship, kindness, support... it all means a great deal.

(image: holly becker for decor8)