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Our Shop

I always love to read what is in the decor8 submissions bag, there are so many good ones coming in lately! Gemma wrote in recently about Our Shop, which is one half graphic design studio (WorkShop is London graphic design collaborative shared by Pui Lee and Gemma Stanton) and Our Shop, a new and growing online store with old + new things for the home and your life in general. I love the stripey mugs - cheers to having your coffee in a zingy cup!

From Gemma, "Our shop is our labour of love and initially we thought it would be our own products only, however after visiting lots of lovely craft fairs and shows we were so inspired that we wanted it to be a platform that we can use to showcase other designers products as well as our own. Plus we can fund our own designs from the proceeds of the shop so it's all starting to grow organically. Our Shop sells lovely homewares, greetings cards, stationery and other yummy treats. Our main ethos is not to take ourselves to seriously and we hope this is reflected in our product selection. We love bright and cheerful colours and hopefully we can bring a smile to peoples faces. We'd love to be known as a great place to come to shop for gifts for friends and family. The one stop shop we call it as you can buy a pressie and a card."

Thank you Gemma for sharing your new shop with us!

(images: our shop)