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Take What You Need And Leave The Rest

Take what you need and leave the rest. Let's discuss. I like this expression because in an effort to live a bit more simply, some of us work extra hard to tame our wild shopping ways. It's a challenge to purchase only what we love, what we need and what matters (and not something because it is trendy or on sale). Take What You Need And Leave The Rest. Words to live by, not just a casual expression but also a dreamy painting by artist Lizzy Janssen as you can see below. The colors captivate me and the message is inspiring.

Lizzy Janssen

More and more, I'm learning that the best shopping days are ones where I allowed myself to buy one or maybe two of my favorite things and to leave the rest, no matter how much "the rest" had been marked down or how I imagined I may use "the rest" someday. I buy only what I love now, even when it comes to mundane things like a veggie peeler. I buy the veggie peeler that is the best quality but also within my budget and that matches my kitchen so when I open my drawer and see it there, it looks nice resting next to the other things in the drawer because hey, why shouldn't your veggie peeler look decent? As a result of buying the best, which also means buying less, I am shopping smarter and with more confidence and joy. Funny how upping your standards changes how you feel and how you live, all for the better.

Lizzy Janssen

What do you think about Lizzy's work? I've shared here some gorgeous paintings -- I see watercolor-y prints and patterns everywhere these days, from graphic design to fashion, art, housewares, it's all so lovely don't you think? And what do you have to say on the subject of buying what you need and leaving the rest? Do you believe in this? Or are you a bit of a shopaholic unable to really put on the brakes? What are some ways you have learned to shop smarter?

(images: lizzy janssen)