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Emerson Made

Hello and welcome to a new week of decor8ing and creative inspiration! :) How are you? I'm still unpacking but I've also been working a lot on a project for my students in Morocco since I fly to Marrakesh on Friday so I'm quite busy buzzing around trying to get everything finished in time for my flight! When I'm back from Morocco I'll share with you what I made for them (with photos!) and I'll also share lots of trip highlights too.

Emerson Made

What do these flowers have to do with Morocco? Well, I was looking for flowers to put in my hair for my upcoming trip because I have this idea to wear my long hair up since it's warm in Marrakesh and I'd love to clip a big fabric flower on the side behind my ear... And I came across the beautiful Emerson Made site again and thought, "Oh yes, perfect." See like this...

Emerson Made

Of course, flowers aren't only for clipping in your hair! Gently resting on a set table is rather elegant too, don't you think? In fact, wouldn't it be fun to host a ladies lunch with the flowers posing as a centerpiece but when the meal is served everyone is invited to choose one to clip into their hair for a group photo? And then to keep as a memory of this fun time together? I just love personal, sweet gestures like this. I want to be invited to a party hosted by someone so thoughtful (and stylish!) don't you!?

Emerson Made

Emerson Made

Emerson Made

Emerson Made

Perhaps I will try to make a flower pin for my hair (if there is time) before I leave or maybe I'll just buy something in a nearby shop since I don't have time to order from Emerson Made, but if you do then Emerson Made is your site for flowers to embellish your hair, shirt, table... These are all so lovely, aren't they?

(images: emerson made)