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Murdoch Books To Publish Decorate in Australia!

If you follow me on Twitter then you already know about this great news since I tweeted it yesterday... But in case you missed it... In addition to my upcoming book, Decorate, being published by Jacqui Small in the UK (March 2011), Chronicle in the US (May 2011) and Callwey in Germany (September 2011), Murdoch Books will publish Decorate in Australia in April 2011!Here is a spread from Decorate below as seen on their website. Yay!

Spread from my book...

I've been waiting so patiently for the green light so I could make the official announcement so I am very excited to share this especially since I have lovely Australian readers and I was concerned that it would be difficult for them to get the book otherwise. Australians always tell me how they usually get everything super late down there but not this time Australia, April is mere months away and I'm so excited to hear what you think of it.

I am very honored to be part of Murdoch's line-up because they publish gorgeous books and do a great job promoting their authors so I'm hoping that you will be able to find your copy locally at a favorite store. If you are a shop owner and would like to order Decorate for your store, or inquire about where it will be sold in Australia, please contact Murdoch directly -- their contact information is here.

Update: Some have sent emails regarding how to purchase it for your stores in the US, UK + mainland Europe. You may direct your inquires to me (holly at with the subject title "Decorate Sales" and I'll hook you up with the appropriate sales director that you need to speak to according to where you are located. Thank you so much for your interest!

(images: debi treloar/jacqui small publishing)