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Time To Go To London To Launch My Book!

Well my dear readers and friends, it's time for me to hop on the plane and go to London for my official book launch party + signing on Wednesday, April 13th at Liberty London. I'm so excited that I'm about to burst -- and I promise photos and a recap! I can hardly believe this is really about to happen and I'm very, very excited about it. Here is my schedule for the week in case you're interested. I'll be tweeting from the road all week so please follow me on Twitter if you'd like to follow along. :) Libertylaunchwow

Today I'll arrive in London and then work with Sania Pell and Leslie Shewring to run through our demo together and do a bit of crafting. Can't wait to be with Sania + Leslie again -- such dear, sweet ladies!

Tuesday: I'll be tied up at appointments all day, including a meet up over at Liberty to give merchandising our display that they'll need to install before Wednesday. Fun! On Tuesday evening, a dinner with friends.

Wednesday: I'll meet Leslie and Sania and we'll pick all of the flowers that we need for our demo from the gorgeous Liberty flower shop on the first floor. Then it's time to prepare the table for our demo and do the flower arrangements. At 4pm I have a private press event followed by a video that Liberty will shoot of me in their store. After that, I will do a customer talk at 6:00 to a private group as well. Then at 6:30 in the new Liberty Dining Room on the 3rd floor I will be there with Sania, Leslie and anyone who would like to join us to present a 20 minute styling demonstration along with some decorating tips. After the demo, there will be a signing and my co-author Jo Copestick will be there as well along with a mix + mingle until the store closes! Come one, come all! Lots of bloggers will be there so I'm very excited to meet many of my colleagues.

Thursday: I will return to Liberty again since they decided to add a day to my schedule to accommodate more of their customers and friends of decor8, so at 5:30 pm and at 7:00 pm I'll do two more talks and signings (but no styling demo) so you're welcome to attend either event but you'll need to email my publicist, Liz Somers, to get on the guest list for Thursday ( Come if you can!

On Friday, well... I can't tell you much about Friday yet but I'll fill you in on Twitter - fun stuff for sure! And on Saturday I'll be in Notting Hill to shop and then returning back home in the evening. A very full week.

If you are coming to the Liberty launch party + demo on Wednesday or to the special talks at Liberty on Thursday, I can't wait to meet you and share a special evening with you and so many other lovely Decorate contributors who will be there including photographer Debi Treloar. I can't wait to see Virginia Armstrong, Emily Chalmers, Debi Treloar, Selina Lake, Abigail Ahearn, Yvonne from Yvestown and some others who contributed to Decorate. It will be a memorable occasion for sure. See you at Liberty!

Book fan page - Links to reviews, event dates, etc. I'll be going on a mini US tour in July to Boston, New York, Philly, Atlanta, Chicago (may

Order on

Book Depository, Anthropologie (online and now in stores nationwide and in the UK like Selfridges), Barnes + Noble online, Chronicle.

The book just released in the UK on March 25 but Anthropologie has an exclusive on it so only they can sell it in advance of it's US release date on April 20. That means you can go to your nearest Anthro store and pick up a copy now in the US and in the UK. After April 20th you can find it in stores in the states and online where books are sold.

I can't wait to see you at Liberty on Wednesday and/or Thursday -- and if you cannot make it, I'll be in the states in July so perhaps I'll be able to meet you then because I'd love that. This is a very exciting time in my life, I am thrilled, scared, excited, emotional (very emotional) and I'm really savoring each moment of this. We all have those moments in life, whether it is launching a book, having a baby, buying a home, getting married... they are all very big events so you must be able to relate to the emotions I'm feeling right now - it's a crazy mix for sure. I can't wait to be "in the moment" this week and to meet so many who have been such an inspiration to me -- and of course, I will share lots of great photos the moment I return. Enjoy your week... I'll catch up with you very soon again.

xo, Holly

(images: holly becker for decor8)