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A Clever Desk For Standing: INSEKT

I recently came across the INSEKT desk by designers Buisjes En Beugels in Rotterdam in a copy of VTWonen magazine and bookmarked it... BUT I then put the magazine down and forgot all about it as I normally do with magazines until today... When Buisjes En Beugels contacted me. I really, really love their desk for so many reasons -- but first, let's get something out of the way... Love this work table

It's being marketed as a kid's desk because it is available in three sizes, two sizes made for sitting and one size made for standing or using a stool and the desks for sitting are more for children.... so when I read that this was a kid's desk I nearly deleted the email until I looked at their press release and found the image I had seen in VTWonen shown above. That is definitely not a desk for only kiddies, but definitely for someone like me who hates sitting all day online and enjoys standing to sort through paperwork, email and even have lunch or a cup of tea.


Sitting all of the time is such a growing issue for web freaks like most of us because once you hit thirty (or even sooner these days) you start to pay more attention to your posture, overall health and things like slouching and sitting for hours and hours start to take their toll on your health. I love the INSEKT desk because it's good looking, has great storage beneath it that is open so it's easy to find things, and it comes in several nice colors and three sizes - one being the taller model that I'm a big fan of.

I have a desk in my office and a very long work table where I stand to sort through things but it's standard table height so after awhile of bending down to sort things I notice that my back starts to hurt a bit -- so a desk like INSEKT is what I need for sure.

What do you think, do you like having the option of standing more often to use your laptop? To craft? To work on miscellaneous administrative tasks?

(images: vtwonen tear sheet with permission via Buisjes En Beugels)