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End of Year Ritual: List Your Accomplishments!

It's that magic time again. Do you know what I'm referring to? It's that mini gap between Christmas and the new year when most are starting to come down from the high of carbs and cocktails to prepare for more of the same on NYE. However you celebrate it, no doubt you view the beginning of 2012 as a most exciting time of hope and happiness, things to do, resolutions to make, a fresh start. I welcome a new year though the reality of getting older is the least exciting part of it but there's nothing to do to stop the passing of time except to be happy and live your life! There is no future date in which you can allow yourself the "right" to do something, this is your life - this is your time as Snow Patrol so cleverly puts it. What are your end of the year rituals?

Sadly,  some get rather down over a year ending because they feel another year has escaped them, they somehow didn't manage all they had hoped to, they're getting older, life is passing them by, etc. Do you feel this way right now? If you have the end of the year blues try to turn things around...  Rather than think about what you didn't accomplish in 2011, make a list of all that you managed to do this year that you are proud of. In fact, that is my end of year ritual and I think we should share it together on decor8. It can be a real mood booster!

So! In the comments section below we can each write down what we accomplished in 2011. Not what we HOPE to do for 2012, this isn't a list about resolutions, but what we DID that made THIS year good. It never ceases to amaze me as to how BIG the list really is on paper compared to how it looks in my head (usually a lot smaller as I struggle with my inner critic/over achiever leanings), which is why I always encourage list making to sort things out, peel back layers and to expose the truth.

As 2o11 comes to an end, corks will be popped, wishes will be made and parties will be thrown around the world only this time you will clink your glasses remember all that you wrote down on your list below that made 2011 good for you. It's important for our self confidence as we march into a new year to end it this way so are you ready to join me with my end of year ritual? Good, I'll go first in the comments section and hope that you will join me there.

Lots of love to everyone! Kiss! - Holly

(images: holly becker)